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Thursday, September 1, 2011

4 weeks, 3 days

Yep, I am pregnant again! We are shocked by this because we had been taking a break from ttc.No fertility meds or anything.What a sweet surprise. It is still so early so we are careful to get too excited yet, but if I were to be completely honest, I would say I'm already a bit excited...Just maybe a bit cautious.I just thank God for this little blessing and pray that I can keep this one. Last Friday (8-26-11) my hcg was at 45.1 The progesterone was at 33.1 I am thrilled with the progesterone. On Monday (8-29-11) the hcg had rose to 154. Again,I am happy with these results.Next step is I have a ultrasound next week to make sure everything is in the right place.I am trying to stay calm but I am nervous about that appointment.Please God,Let this baby stick. I am already feeling drained with this pregnancy.I hear that is a good sign.